Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half a sorrow. - Swedish Proverb
A Drug-Free Treatment for Depression

St. John’s Wort – The Herbal Way to Feeling Good

About-norman-rosenthal Almost 18 million people suffer from depression in the United States. Powerful antidepressant drugs are widely prescribed. Yet the bestselling remedy for depression in Germany, with more than 10 times the sales of Prozac and fewer side effects, isn’t a drug — it’s a shrub: St. John’s wort, or Hypericum perforatum. St. John’s Wort: The Herbal Way to Feeling Good is a comprehensive, reader-friendly guide to assessing whether St. John’s wort is right for you, and what you need to know about depression, conventional antidepressants, and this herb to manage your condition effectively.

Dr. Rosenthal conveys a great deal of information simply and interestingly. He relates success stories of clients who have benefited from St. John’s wort, discusses the research, helps you diagnose and understand your depression, and shows you how to create a personalized plan for using the herb. He also recommends leading an “antidepressant lifestyle” through stress management, exercise, social support, sleep, and adequate light. A history of the herb (“from ancient remedy to herbal superstar”) chronicles its 2,000 years of use. This is a must-read book if you or a loved one suffers from depression. (Rosenthal stresses that the herb and his program are not substitutes for medical care, and that anyone suffering from severe depression should seek medical help.)

Praise for St. John’s Wort
“Engaging and authoritative — far and away the best book available on this important herbal remedy. Dr. Rosenthal has crafted a masterful blend of lively prose, scientific precision and clinical wisdom.” —Michael Norden, M.D., author of Beyond Prozac

“Norman Rosenthal has given us a book that is exceptionally well informed, enriched by deep scientific scholarship and empathic clinical skill. Dr. Rosenthal draws on the stories and voices of many hundreds of people who have directly experienced the benefits that St. John’s wort can provide. Such a comprehensive and readable book will be a major and unique addition to the literature on herbal remedies.” —Jonathan T. Davidson, M.D., Professor of Psychiatry in Behavioral Sciences, Duke University Medical Center

“Dr. Rosenthal has written the classic guide to St. John’s wort. It’s a treasure of fascinating, authoritative, easy-to-use information that should appeal to everyone.” —Jean Carper, author of Your Miracle Brain