Poetry Rx Featured In The New York Times
I feel privileged to have been interviewed by veteran New York Times journalist Jane Brody this past week on my latest book Poetry Rx: How 50 Inspiring Poems Can Heal and Bring Joy to Your Life. Ms. Brody has been writing her weekly Personal Health column in the New York Times since 1976 and I have been a fan of her writing for many years.

When I first approached Ms. Brody about my latest project, she was skeptical and told me that she did not relate to poetry. To her enormous credit, however, she remained open-minded and was willing to take a look at the PDF of my book.
She found it intriguing enough to reach out to other experts and, particularly, to a wise friend, who has regularly looked to poetry for cheer and comfort over the years. Being the consummate journalist that she is, Ms. Brody did some research and found that I was not alone in my opinion. Recalling poet Amanda Gorman’s bravura performance at President Biden’s inauguration and realizing that April has been designated National Poetry Month, she decided to write about my book and the healing powers of poetry in general in her Personal Health column without delay.
Below is a link to the article
When the Doctor Prescribes Poetry
Thank you, Ms. Brody.