
Dr. Norman Rosenthal Speaks Transcendence in Atlanta

I have really been enjoying engaging with all the people on my book tour, and have recently been invited to speak in cities such as Atlanta and Portland. I find myself wanting to open up more and more with this community that has been building since the launch of my book Transcendence. This weekend in Atlanta, Georgia I will be speaking at the Decatur Book Festival.

Saturday is going to consist of a slide show where I go into the science of Transcendental Meditation and its effects both mentally and physically. I will also speak about my personal experience, as well as save time for a question and answer session.

Sunday I will be sharing my process of writing the book Transcendence. Topics will include, but are not limited to: Why I wrote this book after four other books,  what experiences lead me to write Transcendence, and what I want to convey through the book. I will also be sharing personal experiences, patient experience, and going through the literature directly.

On the weekend of September 3rd, I will be in Atlanta speaking at both the Unitarian Church on Cliff Valley Way and Eddie’s Attic.

 Rosenthal speaks in Atlanta unitarian church decatur book festival -Transcendence

I am personally inviting any and all interested parties to come and ask questions about my book Transcendence and/or to address questions involving meditation and its effects on the physiology.

I look forward to seeing you soon!

Wishing you Light and Transcendence,

Norman Rosenthal

2 Replies to “Dr. Norman Rosenthal Speaks Transcendence in Atlanta”

  1. Julie Potts says:

    Dr. Rosenthal, My son and I took the 4 day course for TM in Asheville, soley to help him have more control over his ADHD symptoms. (He is 13) Never in a million years did I think that I would benefit as well. I am 53, have migraine headaches, and only since learning TM have calmed down enough to realize that I am addicted to prescription painkillers. YOUR BOOK IS SO IMPORTANT. I only live a little over 2 hours from Atlanta and would love to have you sign my book but am afraid I won’t be able to leave Highlands this busy weekend. By the way, my son has completely stopped using Ritalin, has coping skills that are blowing my mind … and is doing great in school. He has grown as well in height and weight, which has given him enormous confidence. He even joined the cross country team this year … A MIRACLE … I could go on and on and on … TM has been life changing for BOTH of us … We love to meditate together (although he might deny it if asked 🙂 …. it has been such a blessing in our lives. I don’t have a question .. I just wanted to thank you for writing the book, and hope that it reaches mainstream America … and that it takes the mystery out of meditating … I am trying to get a local teacher to help me perhaps provide TM as an option in our public school … My town is 1300 people … it is the south and it is a bit country 🙂 …. I have a big job … but I have been giving away your book to anyone I think will read it ! I sent one to my child’s pediatrician … I told him I certainly wasn’t complaining or judging or upset …. we all made decisions that we thought were appropriate for my child, but we have now found healthier options.!! Sorry this is sort of a hemmorage of a message ….
    Good luck with the book tour …
    Julie Potts

    1. Norman says:

      Dear Julie:
      This is such an inspirational story. I am so happy for you and your son — and appreciate your sharing your story with us.
      All the best
      Norman Rosenthal

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